Chart of Supernatural Events in the Bible
Chart of Supernatural Events in the Bible
The supernatural is God’s way of proving His existence. Perhaps this is why the supernatural has been relegated to the realm of fringe beliefs. But think about it. The word supernatural, when taken apart is simply God using natural things and showing His power to make them increase to the supernatural.
Supernatural Events in Genesis
1 | Creation of the world. |
5:19–24 | Translation of Enoch to be with God. |
7:9–12, 17–24 | The Noahic Flood. |
11:1, 5–9 | The Judgement on the Tower of Babel. |
12:10–20 | Plagues on Pharaoh for taking Abraham’s wife. |
17:15–19; 18:10–14 | |
21:1–8 | Sarah’s conception of Isaac. |
19:9–11 | Angels blind the Sodomites. |
19:15–29 | The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. |
19:24–26 | Lot’s wife turned to salt. |
Supernatural Events in Exodus
3:1–15 | The Burning Bush. |
4:1–5 | Moses’ rod turned into a serpent and back. |
4:6–7 | Moses’ hand become leprous and is restored. |
7:10–12 | Aaron’s rod turns into a serpent and swallows up the rods of the Egyptian sorcerers. |
7:19–24 | Water in Egypt turned into blood. |
8:5–7; 12–13 | Frogs brought forth on the land of Egypt. |
8:16–18 | Lice are brought forth on the land of Egypt. |
8:20–24 | Swarms of flies are brought forth on Egypt but not on the land of Goshen. |
9:1–7 | Murrian (deadly pestilence) is brought on the cattle of the Egyptians, but not on Israel’s cattle. |
9:8–11 | Ashes produce boils on the Egyptians but not on Israel’s men and animals. |
9:22–26 | A terrible storm of thunder, hail, and fire which ran along the ground. |
10:3–19 | A plague of locusts on the Egyptians. |
10:21–23 | A plague of darkness was brought on the Egyptians while Israel had light. |
12:29–30 | Slaying the first born children. |
13:21–22 | The pillar of cloud led Israel by day, and the fire led them by night. |
14:19–20 | The angel of the Lord protects Israel from the Egyptians. |
14:21–29 | The parting of the Red Sea. |
15:23–25 | Sweetening of the bitter waters of Marah. |
16:12–13 | The camp of Israel is covered with quail. |
16:14–15 | Manna is provided for Israel to eat. |
17:5–6 | Moses strikes the rock and water is provided. |
17:8–16 | Remarkable victory over Amalek. |
19:16–18 | Fire and smoke engulf Mount Sinai. |
19:19–25 | God answers Moses from the Mount. |
20:1–17 | God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses. |
Supernatural Events in Leviticus
9:23–24 | Fire from the Lord consumes the burnt offering. |
10:1–7 | The fatal judgment upon Nadab and Abihu. |
Supernatural Events in Numbers
11:1–2 | Fire from God to consume murmuring Israelites. |
12:10–15 | Miriam is made leprous and is healed. |
16:35 | Fire from the Lord consumes 250 men who offered incense. |
16:28–33 | Korah and his rebels are swallowed by the earth. |
16:46–48 | The plague stopped by the offering of incense. |
17:8 | Aaron’s rod buds. |
20:7–11 | Moses strikes the rock to bring forth water. |
21:6–9 | Healing by looking at the brass serpent. |
22:21–35 | Balaam’s donkey speaks. |
Supernatural Events in Joshua
3:14–17 | The waters of the Jordan are divided. |
5:13–15 | The appearance of the Captain of the Lord’s hosts. |
6 | The fall of Jericho. |
10:12–14 | The sun stands still upon Gibeon. |
Supernatural Events in Judges
2:1–5 | The Angel of the Lord appears to Israel. |
3:8–11 | The Spirit of the Lord comes upon Othniel. |
3:31 | Shamgar slays 600 Philistines with an ox-goad. |
6:11–24 | The Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon. |
6:36–40 | The sign of Gideon’s fleece. |
7:15–25 | God delivers Midian into the hands of Gideon. |
13:3–21 | The Angel of the Lord appears to Manoah. |
14:5–6 | Samson slays the young lion. |
15:14–17 | Samson slays the Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. |
16:3 | Samson tears down the city gate and carries it away. |
16:27–31 | Samson causes the collapse of the temple of Dagon. |
Supernatural Events in 1 Samuel
3:2–10 | The voice of God calling Samuel. |
5:1–5 | The overturning of the god, Dagon. |
5:6–12 | Philistines in Ashdod smitten with tumors. |
6:19 | The Lord smites the men of Beth-Shemesh. |
28:15–20 | Samuel appears from the dead to rebuke Saul. |
Supernatural Events in 2 Samuel
6:6–7 | The Lord fatally smites Uzzah. |
Supernatural Events in 1 Kings
3:3–28 | God gives Solomon great wisdom. |
17:1 | Elijah prays and rain does not come for 3 years. |
17:2–6 | Elijah is fed by the ravens. |
17:8–16 | Meal and oil are supplied for the widow of Zarephath. |
17:17–24 | Elijah raises the widow’s son. |
18:17–38 | Fire from heaven consumes the sacrifice of Elijah on Mt. Carmel. |
18:41–46 | Elijah prays and God sends an abundance of rain in response. |
19:5–8 | Elijah is fed by the Angel of the Lord. |
Supernatural Events in 2 Kings
1:9–15 | Fire from heaven consumes two captains and their men. |
2:7–8 | Elijah parts the waters of the Jordan and walks across on dry ground. |
2:11 | Elijah is taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire. |
2:13–14 | Elisha parts the waters of the Jordan. |
2:19–22 | Elisha heals the waters of Jericho. |
2:24 | Blasphemous youths killed by she bears. |
3:15–20 | Ditches are mysteriously filled with water. |
4:1–7 | A widow’s oil pot is refilled with oil by God. |
4:8–17 | Elisha prophesies and the Shunammite woman bears a son. |
4:32–37 | Elisha raises the Shunammite’s son. |
4:38–41 | Elisha detoxifies the poisonous pottage. |
4:42–44 | One hundred men are abundantly fed with 20 loaves of bread and 20 ears of corn. |
5:1–14 | Naaman is healed of leprosy. |
5:27 | Gehazi is struck with leprosy. |
6:5–7 | Iron axe head floats on water. |
6:16–17 | Elisha’s servant’s vision of the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire. |
6:18 | The Syrian army is struck with blindness. |
6:19–20 | God opens the eyes of the Syrians after Elisha leads them into Samaria. |
13:20–21 | A dead man is raised by contact with elisha’s bones. |
20:9–11 | Ahaz’s sundial returns backward by ten degrees. |
Supernatural Events in Job
38–42:6 | God speaks to Job from the whirlwind. |
Supernatural Events in Isaiah
1:1 | Isaiah’s vision concerning Jerusalem. |
6 | Isaiah’s vision of the Lord. |
Supernatural Events in Ezekiel
1 | Exekiel has a vision of God’s glory. |
Supernatural Events in Daniel
2:26–45 | Daniel recounts and interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. |
3:14–30 | Three Hebrew youths delivered from the fiery furnace. |
5:5 | The handwriting on the wall. |
6:16–23 | Daniel saved from the lions. |
7:1–8:14 | Daniel’s visions. |
9:20–27 | Daniel’s vision of the 70 weeks. |
10:1–12:13 | Further visions of Daniel. |
Supernatural Events in Jonah
1:4–16 | Tempestuous storm from God to arrest the fleeing Jonah. |
1:17 | The Lord prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. |
4:6 | The Lord prepares a gourd to shade Jonah. |
4:7 | The Lord prepared a worm to smite the gourd. |
4:8 | The Lord prepared a vehement east wind. |
Supernatural Events in Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Description |
1:11–19 | An angel of the lord appears to Zacharias. | |||
1:20–22 | Zacharias is struck dumb. | |||
1:26–38 | Angel of the Lord appears to Mary. | |||
1:64 | Zacharias healed of dumbness. | |||
2:9–15 | Angels appear to shepherds. | |||
3:16–17 | 1:9–11 | 3:21–23 | Holy Spirit decended as a Dove, and a voice from Heaven spoke. | |
4:11 | 1:13 | Angels minister to Jesus after the temtation. | ||
1:42–48 | Jesus sees Nathanael under the fig tree. | |||
2:1–11 | Water turned into wine. | |||
2:23 | Jesus performs many signs. | |||
4:46–53 | Nobleman’s sone healed. | |||
4:30 | Jesus escapes from the hostile crowd. | |||
5:6 | Catching a draught of fish. | |||
1:23–25; 4:33–35 | Casting out an unclean spirit. | |||
8:14–15 | 1:30–31 | 4:38–39 | Healing Peter’s mother-in-law. | |
8:16 | 1:32–34 | 4:40 | Healing many sick people. | |
4:23–24 | 1:39 | Jesus heals all manner of sickness and casts out many demons. | ||
8:2–3 | 1:40–42 | 5:12–13 | Cleansing a leper. | |
9:2 | 2:3–5 | 5:18–20 | Healing a paralytic. | |
5:6–9 | Healing an infirmed man at Bethseda. | |||
12:9–13 | 3:1–5 | 6:6–10 | Healing the man’s withered hand. | |
12:15 | 3:10 | Healing of many people. | ||
8:5–13 | 7:1–10 | Healing a centurion’s servant. | ||
7:11–15 | Raising a widow’s son at Nain. | |||
12:22 | Casting out a demon from a blind mute. | |||
8:23–26 | 4:35–39 | 8:22–24 | Stilling the storm on the sea of Galilee. | |
8:28–32 | 5:6–13 | 8:28–33 | Casting out the demons and allowing them to enter swine. | |
9:23–25 | 5:35–42 | 8:49–55 | Raising the ruler’s daughter. | |
9:20–22 | 5:25–34 | 8:43–48 | Healing the woman with an issue of blood. | |
9:27–30 | Healing two blind men. | |||
6:5 | Jesus heals a few sick people in Nazareth. | |||
9:32–33 | Casting out a demon from a deaf mute. | |||
9:35 | Jesus heals the sick in many cities. | |||
14:14 | Jesus heals the sick among the great multitude. | |||
14:15–21 | 6:35–44 | 9:10–17 | 6:5–13 | Feeding the five thousand. |
14:25 | 6:48 | 6:19 | Walking on the sea. | |
14:35–36 | 6:55–56 | Healing of many at Gennesaret. | ||
15:21–28 | 7:24–30 | Healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter. | ||
7:31–35 | Healing a deaf mute. | |||
15:30–31 | Jesus heals many among a great multitude. | |||
15:32–38 | 8:1–8 | Feeding the four thousand. | ||
8:22–25 | Healing a blind man at Bethsaida. | |||
17:1–8 | 9:2–8 | 9:28–36 | Jesus’ transfiguration. | |
17:14–18 | 9:17–27 | 9:38–42 | Healing the Epileptic boy. | |
17:24–27 | Temple tax in the fish’s mouth. | |||
9:1–7 | Healing a man born blind. | |||
11:14 | Curing a demon-possessed, blind mute. | |||
13:11–13 | Healing an infirmed woman. | |||
14:2–4 | Healing a man with dropsy. | |||
11:43–44 | Raising Lazarus. | |||
17:12–14 | Cleansing ten lepers. | |||
19:1–2 | Jesus heals many at the borders of Judea. | |||
20:30–34 | Healing the two blind men. | |||
21:14 | 18:35 | Jesus heals the blind and the lame man in the temple. | ||
21:18–19 | 11:12–14; 20 | Withering the fig tree. | ||
12:28–29 | A voice from Heaven. | |||
22:51 | Restoring a servant’s ear. | |||
27:51 | 15:38 | 23:45 | The Veil of the Temple is torn from top to bottom. | |
27:51 | A great earthquake, and the rocks were broken. | |||
27:52–53 | The tombs were opened and many of the dead are raised. | |||
28:1–10 | 16:1–8 | 24:1–12 | 20:1–9 | The resurrection of Jesus. |
28:1–7 | An angel rolls the stone from the grave and speaks to the women. | |||
28:5–8 | 16:5–7 | 24:4–8 | Angelic appearance to those at the sepulcher. | |
20:11–13 | Two angels appear to Mary. | |||
16:9 | 20:14–17 | Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. | ||
28:9–10 | Jesus appears to the women. | |||
16:12 | 24:13–35 | Jesus appears to the two on the road to Emmaus. | ||
20:19–23 | Jesus appears to 10 apostles. | |||
28:16–20 | 16:14–18 | 24:36–49 | 20:26–31 | Jesus appears to 11 apostles. |
21:1–25 | Jesus appears to 7 apostles. | |||
21:6 | Miraculous catch of fish. |
Supernatural Events in Acts
1:3–5 | Jesus appears to all the apostles. (Lk 24:24–51) |
1:6–9 | Jesus ascends into heaven. |
1:10–11 | Two angels appear to the apostles. |
2:1–4 | The coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. |
2:4–13 | The apostles speak with other tongues. |
3:1–11 | Peter heals the lame man in the temple. |
5:5–10 | Ananias and Sapphira are killed. |
5:12 | Many signs and wonders performed by the apostles. |
5:18–20 | Anel releases the apostles form prison. |
7:55–56 | Stehen sees Jesus at the right hand of God. |
8:7 | Unclean spirits are cast out of many. |
8:13 | Philip performs miracles and signs. |
8:14–17 | The Samarians receive the Holy Spirit. |
8:39–40 | Philip caught away by the Holy Spirit. |
9:3–7 | Jesus appears to Saul (cf. 1 Cor. 15:8). |
9:10–16 | Jesus appears to Ananias. |
9:17–19 | Saul’s sight is restored. |
9:32–34 | Peter heals Aneneas. |
9:36–42 | Dorcas is restored to life. |
10:1–8 | Cornelius receives a vision. |
10:9–16 | Peter receives a vision three times. |
10:44–48 | Cornelius’ household receives the Holy Spirit. |
12:7–10 | An angel releases Peter from prison. |
12:23 | The angel of the Lord kills Herod. |
13:8–11 | Elymas the sorcerer is blinded. |
14:8–10 | Paul heals a lame man at Lystra. |
16:16–18 | Paul casts a demon out of a young woman. |
18:9–10 | The Lord appears to Paul. |
19:6 | Believers at Ephesus receive the Holy Spirit. |
19:11–12 | Many unusual signs performed by Paul. |
20:9–12 | Eutychus is restored to life. |
23:11 | The Lord appears to Paul. |
28:3–6 | Paul protected from the viper bite. |
28:7–8 | Paul heals the father of Publius. |
16:25–26 | Prison doors opened and Paul’s and Silas’ bands are broken off. |
Supernatural Events in 1 Corinthians
15:6 | Jesus’ appearance to five hundred people. |
15:7 | Jesus’ appearance to James. |
Supernatural Events in 2 Corinthians
12:1–6 | Paul’s vision of heaven. |
Supernatural Events in Revelation
1:1–3:22 | John’s vision of Jesus. |
4:1–22:21 | John’s vision of the future. |
6:12 | A great earthquake. |
6:12 | The sun becomes black as sackcloth. |
6:12 | The moon becomes as blood. |
6:13 | The stars fall from heaven to earth. |
6:14 | Every mountain is moved out of its place. |
8:7 | Hail and fire mingled with blood falls on the earth. |
8:8 | Something like a great burning mountain is cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea becomes blood. |
8:9 | A third part of the creatures in the sea die. |
8:9 | A third part of the ships are destroyed. |
8:10–11 | A great, burning star falls from heaven and a third part of the rivers and fountains become bitter. |
8:12 | A third part of the sun is darkened. |
8:12 | A third part of the moon is darkened. |
8:12 | A third part of the stars are darkened. |
9:1 | A star falls from heaven. |
9:2 | The sun is darkened by the smoke from the botomless pit. |
9:3–11 | A plague of locusts are given power to torment men for 5 months. |
9:18 | A third part of mankind is killed. |
11:5 | The two witnesses devour their enemies by fire from their mouths. |
11:6 | The two witnesses stop the rain for 3 1/2 years. |
11:6 | The two witnesses turn water into blood. |
11:6 | The two witnesses smite the earth with many plagues. |
11:11 | The two witnesses are raised from the dead. |
11:12 | The two witnesses ascend into heaven. |
11:13 | There is a great earthquake in which a tenth part of the city falls, and 7000 men are slain. |
11:19 | There are lightenings, voices, thunderings and earthquake and great hail. |
16:2 | Fowl and loathsome sores fall on men who worship the beast. |
16:3 | The sea becomes as blood, and every living soul in it dies. |
16:4 | The rivers and fountains of waters become blood. |
16:8 | The sun scorches men with fire. |
16:10 | Darkness covers the kingdom of the beast. |
16:12 | The water of the river Euphrates is dried up. |
16:18 | There are voices and thunders and a great earthquake. |
16:20 | The islands flee and the mountains cannot be found. |
16:21 | A great hail of heavy stones falls on people. |
18:1–24 | The fall of Babylon. |
19:11–16 | The return of Jesus Christ. |
21:1 | The new heaven and the new earth appear. |
21:10 | The new Jerusalem descending from heaven. |