Welcome to Prophecy Revealed

Welcome to Prophecy Revealed

In this website you will find teachings from Rabbi Don Goldstein. No matter where you are starting from, you are welcome here!
This is a place where both Jews and non-Jews can come watch videos to learn in an easy to understand way about worshiping the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, experience Messianic music, Davidic dance, anointed teachings and life changing healings.
Rabbi Don, and his wife Jackie, grew up in Conservative Judaism. In their early 30s they learned about, and received, Yeshua as their Messiah. This website is meant to share the wisdom, beauty, peace and joy of walking with Yeshua for over 35 years. Please take some time to explore this website. It is loaded with inspiring information.
“Don loved G-d with all his heart, soul, and might. His life and his legacy was all about sharing that love with everyone he met. His strong faith and love of G-d motivated him to write the book: I Have A Friend Who’s Jewish – Do You? This book allowed Don to show his love for all people, his ability to make hard concepts easy, and to saturate it all with his humor. “ –
“Rabbi Steve Weiler”
In this website you will find teachings from Rabbi Don Goldstein. No matter where you are starting from, you are welcome here!
This is a place where both Jews and non-Jews can come watch videos to learn in an easy to understand way about worshiping the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, experience Messianic music, Davidic dance, anointed teachings and life changing healings.
Rabbi Don, and his wife Jackie, grew up in Conservative Judaism. In their early 30s they learned about, and received, Yeshua as their Messiah. This website is meant to share the wisdom, beauty, peace and joy of walking with Yeshua for over 35 years. Please take some time to explore this website. It is loaded with inspiring information.
“Don loved G-d with all his heart, soul, and might. His life and his legacy was all about sharing that love with everyone he met. His strong faith and love of G-d motivated him to write the book: I Have A Friend Who’s Jewish – Do You? This book allowed Don to show his love for all people, his ability to make hard concepts easy, and to saturate it all with his humor. “ –
“Rabbi Steve Weiler”